
チベット亡命政府の要請でカナダのInformation Warfare Monitorが調査した結果、中国から主にアジアの政府機関をターゲットにしてマルウェアを埋め込みコンピュータ内のファイルを盗むゴーストネットghostnetが浮かび上がった。ハッカーの関心は主に政治家の活動と大企業の動きにあり、産業スパイ被害の及んだ国の数においてこれまでで最大のものとなる。調査結果はTracking GhostNet: Investigating a Cyber Espionage NetworkとしてInformation Warfare Monitorのサイトで発表される。

The researchers said hackers were apparently able to take control of computers belonging to several foreign ministries and embassies across the world using malicious software, or malware. They say they believe the system, which they called GhostNet, was focused on governments in Asia. By installing malware on compromised computers, hackers were able to take control of them to send and receive classified data.

While researchers believe the operation is based in China, they are quick to point out that this does not necessarily mean the Chinese government was involved. "This could well be the C.I.A. or the Russians. It's a murky realm that we're lifting the lid on," Ronald Deibert, an associate professor of political science at Munk told The New York Times. The researchers' findings, Tracking GhostNet: Investigating a Cyber Espionage Network, are due to be released this weekend on the Information Warfare Monitor Web site.