lightning+Provider for Google Calendarでカレンダーの双方向同期

thunderbirdのエクステンションであるlightningとProvider for Google Calendarを利用すれば、グーグルカレンダーをデスクトップとウェブ・カレンダーの双方から同期できる。グーグルカレンダーとical対応アプリとの双方向同期ができるjavaプログラムであるGCALDaemonを使っても同期ができるかもしれないが、lightning+Provider for Google Calendarの方がはるかに簡単。

This is all well and good and provides us with an easy to use local calendar, but that's not much use if you wanted to update it at work, or on the road/mobile device. This is where the Provider Add-on comes in to play. Provider allows bidirectional syncing between the Lightning Calendaring Extension in Thunderbird and Google's GCal Service. This is possible because Google, being the lovely chaps that they are, decided to opt for the iCalendar standard in GCal, well done chaps :)