s5の強化版s5 reloaded

エリック・メイヤーEric Meyerによるスライドプログラムs5をajaxを使って強化したフリーのプレゼン・ツールがs5 reloaded。GeckoKHTML/WebKitOperaとの互換性を念頭に作られたためIEでは思った効果が得られない。

When I searched for a browser based slide show system which should answer my personal needs I encountered S5 from Eric Meyer. This format/program could match my concept of a slide show system best. Since the control panel and the features did not please me at all - I thought it could be a good thing to extend S5 to a higher level. I paid attention with programming especially to get a high compatibility with the Gecko, KHTML/WebKit and Opera engine. That IE thereby would fail was no intention but however could not be avoided.
