gmail用greasemonkeyを集めたBetter Gmail

gmailを使う上で便利なgreasemonkeyを集めたfirefoxのエクステンションであるBetter Gmailgmailgoogle readerを統合できるgmail+google readerホットスポットで安全にgmailを使うため忘れずhttpsに換えてくれるSecureなどを含んでいる。

Gmail's good, but it could be better. We've featured several Greasemonkey scripts that enhance Gmail in lots of different ways - like adding saved searches, attachment icons, label colors, keyboard macros, a filter assistant and right-click conversation previews. But not everyone wants to install Greasemonkey and hunt down all those scripts. To save you the time, I've compiled the best Greasemonkey scripts for Gmail into one handy Firefox extension, called Better Gmail.