中国と台湾が協力してオンライン中国語シソーラスChunghua Chinese-Language Thesaurusをつくる。中国と台湾の関係が改善するなか、台湾の馬英九大統領の提言で簡体字と繁体字の両方で示す中国語シソーラスをフリーでオンラインで提供することになったもの。当該シソーラスは来年に完成し、クラウドコンピューティングを応用したものになる。
As relations between Taiwan and China have thawed, the calls to bring the languages closer together have multiplied. The most recent one came last week from Taiwan president Ma Ying-jeou, who said that Taiwan's and China's governments would cooperate to release an online thesaurus to serve as a reference to Chinese and Taiwanese alike. Known as the Chunghua Chinese-Language Thesaurus ― but already nicknamed the "cross-strait thesaurus" ― it is scheduled to come out next year and will be free.
President Ma Ying-jeou said Thursday that Taiwan has been discussing with China a joint project to compile a new Mandarin thesaurus that will be accessible online to people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Ma said the online dictionary, the first of its kind in Chinese history, will be commissioned by Taiwan's National Cultural Association and its counterpart in China, and compiled with the use of the cutting-edge cloud computing technology.