
joostが現在のビデオ・オン・デマンド番組に加えて、TVのライブ放送を08年に開始する。ライブTV放送に関しては、zattooやlivestationなどのp2pプラットフォームを利用したサービスが先行しているが、p2pを利用してのライブ・ストリーミングは録画済みプログラムのストリーミングと違い、技術的にも困難が伴う。またjoostは発売予定のD-LINKのDivX Connected HD Media Playerにプラグインとして搭載される予定で、このプレーヤでDivXのオンラインビデオサービスであるStage6joostの両者が使えるようになる。

Joost, the broadband video company, has revealed that it is planning to provide live television streams as well as its current range of video-on-demand programming. The company says it will begin testing its live streaming with programming providers in the first quarter of 2008. [...] In turning its attention to live programming, Joost is following other peer-to-peer platforms such as Zattoo and LiveStation, both already providing trial services. Peer-to-peer delivery of live streams is rather different to distributing pre-recorded programming and remains more of a technical challenge. [...] Joost will be available as a plug-in on the D-Link DivX Connected HD Media Player device due to launch soon. The product will include support for the Stage6 DivX online video service.