
googleに匹敵する検索エンジン構築を目的に、ゼロックスパロアルト研究所がスタートアップ企業powerset自然言語技術提供とパテントのライセンス給与を行う。この技術を使うと英語やフランス語でキーワード検索ではなく、自然言語での検索を可能にできるがまだまだ課題は多く一般公開化は今年年末になる。過去にGUIやイーサーネットなどの革新的技術を開発してきたPARCの30年にわたる研究の歴史をもつ自然言語検索技術に期待がかかるが、これまでの自然言語検索エンジンは限られた状況下においてしか成功しておらず、googleのMarissa Mayerも今後5年間は自然言語検索の実用化は難しいと言っている。

The start-up, Powerset, is licensing PARC's "natural language" technology ― the art of making computers understand and process languages like English or French. Powerset hopes the technology will be the basis of a new search engine that allows users to type queries in plain English, rather than using keywords. In the fall, Powerset raised $12.5 million in its first round of financing from venture-capital firms and individual investors. The challenges facing it are immense, and the odds of success are long. But the PARC technology, which is a result of 30 years of research, is certain to lend it an aura of credibility.PARC's natural-language technology is among the "most comprehensive in existence," said Fernando Pereira, an expert in natural language and the chairman of the department of computer and information science at the University of Pennsylvania. But by itself, it will not guarantee Powerset's success, Mr. Pereira said.