
googleがwaybackmachineのようなインターネット・アーカイブを始める? zdnetのgarett rogersによれば最近googleは一連のアーカイブ関連のドメインをレジストしている。これがwaybackmachineのようなアーカイブを検索できるようにするものなのか、もしくはAP通信との合意に現れているようにニュース・新聞の古い記事を検索できるようにするものなのかは今のところ不明。

if I am on the wrong track with the web archive, another possibility for a service named "Google Archive Search" would be one where you could search for historic articles from things like newspapers and magazines. Also don't forget the deal that was made with the Associated Press ― it could have something to do with these domains also.
[...]What do you think? Is Google going to provide a "cool" service that lets you see the history of the web, or will it be a service that lets you search through historic publications? Or, if you think it could be something else, let me know.