
中国はネットゲームに規制をかける一方で国威発揚にネットゲームを利用している。例えば、共青団はネットゲーム開発会社宝徳網絡技術有限公司と共同で民族意識を高めるための反日ネトゲである抗日online(Anti-Japan War Online)を開発した。共青団は他にも国魂Onlineを今年後半にも開始する予定。

The CCLY said in statement that few games on the Chinese market today generate a "national spirit" that can educate young players. As a result, the CCYL will actively partner with online gaming companies to jointly develop "patriotic" online games.
"'Anti-Japan War Online' is a patriotic online game that is both interesting and instructive, and can attract and guide young players," Chen Xiao, the CCLY official in charge of partnerships with online gaming firms, told Interfax. "We will pay close attention to the authenticity of historical facts in the game."