ダウンロードも使用も無料のskypeに似たwavigoはIMとしてもフィードリーダーとしてもメディア・プレーヤーとしても使え,いずれMac osxなどの他のosに対応し,wavoutやwavinのサービスも始めるとのこと。
Free to download and use, Wavigo enables computers to be a full featured world-wide communications, information and entertainment tool providing high quality voice communications, support for any instant messenger, SMS - text messaging, e-mail, information feeds, search, and a full media player with karaoke, all in one place. This release supports Windows computers, and MAC OS, Linux and mobile operating system versions will be released soon.
Technorati Tags: wavigo, skype, voip, free, im, feed, aggregator