ワイルド・スワンのユン・チアンが書いた毛沢東伝記Mao: The Unknown Story

ワイルド・スワンのユン・チアンが夫である歴史学者のジョン・ハリデイと一緒に書いた毛沢東の伝記。毛沢東ヒトラースターリンに匹敵する大罪人として描いていて,長征中に生まれた赤ん坊を見殺しにしたり,四半世紀の間風呂に入ることを拒否したと言ったうわさも紹介している。ワイルド・スワンは今でも大陸では禁書だが,ユン・チアンは中国語版のMao: The Unknown Storyにも取り組んでいて,どうにかして大陸の読者に読まれることを望んでいる。

"He was as evil as Hitler or Stalin, and did as much damage to mankind as they did," Chang says. "And yet the world knows astonishingly little about him."
the biography aims to demolish the fundamental principles on which the Maoist regime was built. His complete lack of ideological belief underpins the book: far from being the great peasant leader of communist mythology, it argues, Mao was motivated simply by a pursuit of personal power; he despised equality and introduced a succession of disastrously anti-peasant policies. Not content with his tyranny over China, he wanted to conquer the world, and became obsessed with acquiring nuclear weapons at great cost to his country. This quest to become a world superpower, according to Chang,"was at the core of his thought".

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