
タイでKratingdaengの名で売られ,中国では紅牛の名で売られているレッドブルだけれども,元々はオーストリア人のDietrich MateschitzがタイのKratingdaengをモデルにしたもの。イギリスでもバーなどで売られていて酒と混ぜて飲まれている。そのレッドブルがこのたびカナダでも販売が許可された。ヨーロッパではデンマークノルウェーとフランスで通常の飲料としての販売が禁止されているようにその成分の健康への危険性が指摘されている。実際レッドブルに含まれるカフェインも酒も利尿効果があって水分が出されるので,水分不足になり危険。スポーツで汗をかいた後もレッドブルを飲むのも水分不足になるので心臓によくない。

Red Bull is prohibited for sale as a normal soft drink in Denmark, Norway, and France. In 2001, Red Bull was investigated by the Swedish National Food Administration after being linked to three deaths.


The French health committee canned the sale of Red Bull, partly because a study found that rats fed taurine exhibited bizarre behaviour. That behaviour, says Vanrullen, included: "anxiety, irritability, a high sensitivity to noise --sudden jumps in their cages-- and most of all, self-mutilations."


A naturally occurring substance manufactured by the human body. Like taurine, glucuronolactone is supposed to detoxify the body. Little research has been done on the effects, and the only relevant studies have been conducted on animals so the risk to humans cannot be adequately assessed. Glucuronolactone has received some notoriety due to rumours that it was a Vietnam War era drug manufactured by the American government and led to several brain tumour deaths at the time. These rumours are not based on documented facts.
