予期しないflickrの使い方にflicktionとsometaithurtsがある。flicktionはAndrew Lowoskyがフローレンス地方のドアベルの写真をポストするときに同時にデスクリプションに短編風の文章を添えたものをflicktionタグでまとめたもの。sometaithurtsはflickrユーザーがfulickrについての写真を載せる自己参照的なタグで,sometaithurtsはso meta it hurtsのスペースをとったもの。
A user on Flickr, Andrew Lowosky, began posting pictures of doorbells in Florence, along with a brief piece of fiction about the doorbell in the description of the photograph. He dubbed this combination of photograph and short story “flicktion,” and tagged it as such. (Lowosky, 2004.) Some other users have been tagging photographs with “flicktion” and writing short fiction to accompany it, although as of November 19, 2004, there were only three other users. Although small, there is a quick formation of new terms to describe what is going on, and others adopting that term and the activity it describes.