
Bloggerによって開発されたBlogger APIはその後,Radio Userlandのような他のブログ・ツールに受け入れられたが,Dave WinerはBlogger APIがタイトルをサポートしていないという欠点があることから,Blogger APIを元に,MetaWeblog APIをつくった。その後Bloggerの開発者たちはBlogger APIのバージョン2.0を出したけれども,Dave WinerはBloggerに欠かせない機能を取り除いているにもかかわらず,MetaWeblog APIを使うよう主張したので,喧嘩になった。結局Bloggerはバージョン2.0の実装を取りやめ,ATOM APIのようなBlogger APIの機能をもつAPIをずっと待っていた。

The Blogger API was originally developed by Blogger (now owned by Google) as a way of allowing client applications to talk to blogger weblogs (using client applications such as w.bloggar). This API was later adopted by other blogging tools such as Radio Userland. However Dave Winer decided he didn't like some of the perceived deficiencies in the Blogger API and forked it thus creating the MetaWeblog API. Later on the Blogger folks came out with version 2.0 of the Blogger API which led to online war of words with Dave Winer because he felt they should use his forked version instead even though his version removed functionality that was crucial to Blogger. Eventually Blogger backed off from implementing v2.0 of thier API and has been waiting for an alternative which presented itself in the ATOM API.
