
readwritewebはgmailgmail contacts APIなどがemailスタンダードに依拠していないことを批判していたが,このほどgmailがオフラインでも機能するようになると同時にSyncMLをサポートすることが明らかとなった。SyncMLはモバイルフォンやパソコン間といったプラットフォームに拘わらず連絡先とカレンダーの情報をシンクロできるようにするオープン・スタンダード。

We love Gmail here at RWW. In December we wrote, though, about Gmail's terrible lack of adherence to standards in email. In February we wrote about Google's nonresponsiveness to complaints about Gmail's lengthy message delivery delays. In March we asked why the new Gmail Contacts API couldn't play nice with others and be based on standards.

Andrew also found out that Google will add SyncML support for Gmail contacts next month. He thinks this is "related to the sync that they worked on with Apple for 3G iPhone". SyncML is a standard for data synchronization supported by a lot of companies.

SyncML (Synchronization Markup Language) is the former name (currently referred to as: Open Mobile Alliance Data Synchronization and Device Management) for a platform-independent information synchronization standard. Existing synchronization solutions have mostly been somewhat vendor-, application- or operating system specific. The purpose of SyncML is to change this by offering an open standard as a replacement. SyncML is most commonly thought of as a method to synchronize contact and calendar information (Personal Information Manager) between some type of handheld device and a computer (personal, or network-based service), such as between a mobile phone and a personal computer.