
タイのガウディである芸術家チャランチャイ・コシットピパットChalermchai Kositpipatによるチェンライにあるワット・ロンクンWat Rong Khun。ガウディ亡き後も建設が続けられたサグラダ・ファミリアのように、完成までに90年かかると見込まれているワット・ロンクンはまだ部分的に完成したに過ぎない。ホワイト・テンプルとも呼ばれるワット・ロンクンはタイ寺院の様式にチャランチャイのコンテンポラリーなデザインが加味されたものになっている。

The man in blue mor-hom outfit was pacing the temple gallery shouting instructions to workers as they went about their task. He wasn't angry or trying to bully them.. It's typical of him to speak loud and strong. Visitors to Wat Rong Khun temple in Chiang Rai Province can often see renown artist Chalermchai Kositpipat immersed deeply in the cause of building a contemporary Thai temple that he wishes to dedicate to His Majesty the King. Since embarking on the project, which is expected to take 90 years to complete, Chalermchai has stopped taking painting assignments that have earned him his name and wealth. He can be seen at the temple site every morning and evening working diligently to ensure that every architectural plan and design is pursued to the minutest detail.
