
As if two different high definition DVD standards weren't enough for the world, China has gone ahead and said "actually, it is, at least for the western portion of it." The Optical Memory National Engineering Research Center has announced CH-DVD, a high definition DVD standard based on the DVD Forum's HD DVD, but with additional Chinese-owned technology tacked on. This additional technology takes the form of advanced copy protection designed to prevent the spread of pirated content.

2007年9月7日下午,清华大学“光盘国家工程研究中心”与国内外相关科研机构、厂商共同协作,研制出的具有自主知识产权的新一代高清蓝色激光DVD (CH-DVD,China High Definition DVD)正式亮相。这是与国际上最知名的DVD标准制定机构――DVD论坛合作,联合国内外各大厂商以及科研机构,多方面参照以及借鉴了如HD DVD等国际上的高清DVD等技术,取长补短,而取得的具有划时代意义的科研成果,为将来进一步的国产化打下了良好的基础。