イランの英語衛星テレビ放送Press TV

イランがBBCなど欧米のメディアに対抗して英語の衛星テレビ放送Press TVを開始した。ロンドンにベースを置くPress TVは24時間放送で、プレゼンターのひとりYvonne Ridleyはタリバンに捕まった後、イスラムに改宗している。

Journalists at the station have received training by a BBC employee and will broadcast news every half hour. The best-known among them is Yvonne Ridley, 48, the former Sunday Express journalist who converted to Islam after being captured by the Taliban in 2001. "It's not shocok TV, tabloid TV or propaganda promoting reactionaryism. She said she would refuse to work if she felt her work was censored and said her religion was irrelevant."
