google mapsがgeorssをサポート
googleが所有するkeyholeが開発したファイル形式keyhole markup languageの標準化をOGCに申請していたが、まもなくOGCでkmlの標準化策定が開始されるのでいずれスタンダードの形式になりそうだ。kmlに似たエレメントを持っているためしばしば混同されるgmlとの兼ね合いも詰めることになる。またgoogle mapsでGeoRSSがサポートされたことでgoogle maps上でkmlとgeorssデータのマッシュアップが可能になる。
Accepting GeoRSS and making KML a standard are very significant moves for Google and the geoweb. It's long seemed odd to me that Google, a company built on opensource software and such an avid supporter of open standards, did not follow a similar path in the geospace with these two formats (being proprietary with one and not accepting the open one). These moves are going to bolster the importance of both formats, lead to more web content being geotagged and keep Google feeling love from geohackers for a while.
Borrowing from Ron Lake and from discussions with GE staff, we think KML and GML are targeted at solving different problems. This has nothing to do with complexity vs simplicity - but rather just different objectives and requirements. KML is fundamentally focused on Geographic Visualization - meaning visualization of places on the earth - and annotating or describing places. It is not intended to model geographic objects. KML could even contain additional GML elements.