

お寺の正式名称は浄土真宗本願寺派(お西)梅上山 光明寺(ばいじょうざん こうみょうじ)と言います。11時から14時の間はドリンクとお菓子の提供を行っているそうですがなんと、お代はタダ!その代わりにお賽銭をあげるという事でこのカフェはなりたっているようです。本堂には無線LANや雑誌、本なども置いてあるらしく、新しい形のお寺を感じさせてくれるのではないでしょうか??


Seva Café in Ahmedabad is a restaurant built around an ethical, not commercial, framework. The economic model is radically different from capitalist notions that power most modern-day interactions. An interesting experiment in the art of giving has begun in Ahmedabad in the form of a restaurant called "Seva Café". Located on the fashionable C.G. Road - literally in the "heart" of the city - the café is not your ordinary eatery. You are welcome to dine, converse and enjoy the ambience, yet are required to pay only what you wish for the meal. The restaurant is run mostly by volunteers, and there are no prices for any of the food items.


Deciding between the spicy peanut stew and the pesto chicken, or the squash soup and the avocado, chicken, lime soup, are not the only decisions tempting patrons at the One World Café in Salt Lake City and the SAME (So All Might Eat) Café in Denver. They must also decide what the meal is worth.
