香港(道瓊斯)中國最早將於下月要求兩家大型移動運營商實施主叫收費政策﹐香港《南華早報》(South China Morning Post)週一援引中國信息產業部(Ministry of Information Industry)未具名知情人士的話報導。報導稱﹐信息產業部這位知情人士表示﹐中國政府已經決定採取單項收費政策。上述兩家移動運營商分別是中國移動通信集團有限公司(China Mobile Ltd., CHL)和中國聯通股份有限公司(China Unicom Ltd. CHU)﹐目前採取的是手機呼叫雙向收費政策。
At present the caller and receiver have to pay when a mobile connection is made in the mainland. By making only the caller pay, mainland mobile phone users could enjoy cheaper rates. [...]"The caller-pays policy could encourage people, especially in the rural areas, to start using mobile phones rather than fixed lines," said a telecom analyst. "If it [the report] is real, it will further accelerate fixed-to-mobile substitution."