new york timesのリーダーTimes Reader

ニューヨーク・タイムズのリーダーTimes ReaderはマイクロソフトWindows Presentation Foundationテクノロジーを使って,オンライン,オフライン共に利用できる。現在はwindowsのみだが今後maclinuxなどのプラットフォーム上でも動くようになる予定。

Times Reader was unveiled by Arthur Sulzberger Jr. and Bill Gates in Seattle on April 28th this year. It will work online or offline - in a way that is said to be "an interesting mix of the print and Web reading experience." Windows XP or the current beta version of Windows Vista is a requirement to run Times Reader, because it uses the new Windows Presentation Foundation technology. However it will eventually run on the Mac, Linux and mobile devices - once Microsoft's "Windows Presentation Foundation Everywhere" initiative is up and running on those platforms.