ダラムサラでwifiを実現するDharamsala Wireless Mesh

最近チベット亡命政府はビデオ・ストリームTVであるTibet Onlineでチベット語ニュースを始めたけれども、別のプロジェクトとしてハッカー・グループのカルト・オブ・デッド・カウもからんでダラムサラ地域で自由に使えるwifiを構築するDharamsala Wireless Meshがある。アンテナはダラムサラに多い猿の攻撃にも耐えられるようにする。ただネットワークの帯域が限られているので普通にラップトップを持ち込む訪問者には開放されない。

Some of the technical challenges he faces are unique. This may be one of the only networks in the world where antennas must be monkey-proofed.
"Monkeys are everywhere," says Ben-David. "Often, you'll see a huge, gorilla-sized monkey hang on to an antenna, swing from it, eat it, try to break it. We lost a lot of cables that way, but now we use very strong equipment so that even monkeys can't break it." [...]Unlike most community wireless projects in the United States, Dharamsala's growing mesh is not open to laptop-toting visitors. The bandwidth its operators have to share is limited, costly and much of it comes from BSNL, the government-controlled telecom provider. So for now, access is limited mostly to schools, government offices and nonprofits, which pay a nominal fee and host equipment to further the network's reach.
