
ルーマニア宗教学者、文学者、小説家であるミルチャ・エリアーデMircea Eliadeはインドに渡り、サンスクリットを学び、ヨガやタントラを修行して『聖と俗』などを書いているけれども、映画監督のフランシス・フォード・コッポラエリアーデを主人公にした映画Youth Without Youthを完成させた。ここ数年、映画の予算は自分の経営するワイン業からの収入でまかなっている。

I'm fortunate to have made it in other industries, like the resort industry and the wine industry, so I could finance a small film myself every couple of years and have my dream come true. And that's what I aspire to do.
Is Youth Without Youth a "little" film?
It's a story by Mircea Eliade, a Romanian writer, that I found provocative. It wasn't about undercover cops. It was about consciousness. It starts in 1938 and runs through the Second World War and goes from Bucharest to Switzerland to India to Malta. It's a big movie in terms of tackling the production. But I financed it through my wine business, and I took a page from Sofia's--my daughter's--book where she had made Lost in Translation for just a modest amount.
