tachikomaとwalking tractor

tachikomaはプロモーションとして動くモノが実際にあるけれども、walking tractorはスカンジナビア地方の伐採地で地表をかき乱さないようPlustech Oyによってデザインされたマシン。

It's an environmentally friendly timber harvester designed by Plustech Oy. It's a former winner of the European IST Prize. It can climb steep slopes, an minimizes impact on the soils in the area - whereas wheeled or tracked harvesters can wreak havoc on the ground, esp. when muddy (I used to work as an archaeologist at a national forest, I particularly like this aspect of the vehicle, I've seen ruts from other harvesters and skidders up to two feet, that really impacts cultural resources). I got the chance to see it demoed in person at Mississippi State University (lot of timber farming down there) a few years back.
