
ソフトウェア開発を分かっていないCEOが陥りやすいのが、遅れているソフト開発に更に人員を増やし逆に作業進行をさらに遅らせること。1975刊のブルックによるThe Mythical Man-Monthではじめて触れられたブルックの法則はデバッグなど一貫した作業にはどんなに人員を増やしてもスケジュール的には何の効果もないこと。赤ん坊の成長期間が最低9ヶ月かかるところを何人の母親がかかったところで変わるわけではないのと同じこと。それで理解のないCEOにはブルックの本を積み上げて、緊急にこの本を読む必要があります。たくさんの本を買ってきたのできっと早く読むことが出来るでしょうと言うと効果があるかもしれない。

When a task cannot be partitioned because of sequential constraints, the application of more effort has no effect on the schedule. The bearing of a child takes nine months, no matter how many women are assigned. Many software tasks have this characteristic because of the sequential nature of debugging. In tasks that can be partitioned but which require communication among the subtasks, the effort of communication must be added to the amount of work to be done. [...] Oversimplifying outrageously, we state Brooks's Law: Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.
After failing to win several arguments on this point, the engineers became exasperated and decided to hold an intervention with the CEO. They each bought a copy of Brooks' book, brought the CEO into a conference room, and stacked up the copies of the book, telling him, It is extremely urgent that you read this book. We've bought you many copies so that you might read it faster. They made their point.
