Meanwhile, both Dinnerbuzz and Yummy remind me that how much I’d like folks to standardize the address syntax for tag-specific pages. To give you a sense of the variation, here’s how you’d find the tag page for “beer” on a few sites:
Dinnerbuzz: http://www.dinnerbuzz.com/tag.php?beer
Yummy: http://yummy.printfu.org/yum.cfm/search/beer
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/beer
Could we all just give del.icio.us credit for its first mover status (and its very nice, simple URLS) and adopt the common syntax: http://www.yoururl.com/tag/whatever
I want to be able to go to any tagged site and know how to find the tag page I’m looking for. For that matter I want to be able to add any RSS feed for any tagged site to my aggregator without having to check the URL first, so again, let’s follow the del.icio.us example: http://www.yoururl.com/rss/tag/whatever
It may not seem like it matters SO much now but once we start building all of our daily information tools around tag subscriptions it will make life a heck of a lot easier.
Technorati Tags: tag, tagging, rss, del.icio.us