
パスワードを作るときに重要なのは自分で思い出しやすいことと他人に簡単に推測されないこと。Eric Meyerの紹介しているパスワードを作る方法は,2つの単語を入れ違いに合体させること。例えばlifeとhacherを選んだらパスワードはlhiafcekerとなる。ちょっとした暗号になって少しの練習ですぐに覚えられるようになる。あるいはサイト名と自分の選んだ単語ひとつを組み合わせてもいい。例えばblueを選んだとすると,ebayで使うとebblauyeとなるし,paypalで使うとpbalyupealとなる。

In cases where your two words have different lengths, you can always tack on numbers. For example, maybe your seed words are “milkshake” and “fries". That would normally yield “mfirlikesshake", which is okay, but you could tack the numbers “123″ onto “fries” to get “mfirlikessh1a2k3e". Alternatively, you could put the numbers at the beginning, so you get “m1i2l3kfsrhiaekse".


A good idea is to create a pattern on the keyboard, like a big E. Check out the image I made. It’s a very simple pattern and easy to remember, but the result is 3edc456rtyvbn, which would be hard to crack. Think of all the combinations. You could make any letter, a spiral, a star, an arrow, anything really.
