
9月10日に行われたFoo CampでFeedmeshグループによる、新たにURLを設けてpingを一ヶ所で受け付け、ピア・ネットワークでシェアするという提案がなされている。当面はblo.gsで受けたpingをcloud interfaceを通じてシェアしていく予定。

The consensus is that the sharing of weblog update notifications ("pings") would be a good first step. This will have two immediate and tangible benefits for sites that aggressively crawl feeds: reduced bandwidth (by sharing the load) and lower latency (e.g., bloglines can get data in near realtime instead of polling every hour).
A rough sketch of what this would entail is the creation of a single URI for people to ping (feedmesh.org?) which would be backed by the members of the "peering network" via round robin DNS. The recipient of a ping would be expected to validate the ping, make a reasonable attempt to normalize the site name to utf-8, and then pass the ping information to all the other members of the peer network. Instead of separate HTTP requests per ping, it is likely that each member of the peering network will have a socket continuously open with each of other members across which this information will be sent.
