
マイクロソフトのインド系言語プロジェクトBhashaのサイトからインド系言語のIMEがダウンロードできる。例えば、タミール語のTamil Indic IME 1をインストールすると、入力方式でTransliteration、Tamil99、Inscriptの3種が選べ、notepadへも入力できる。素晴らしい。また、ウィンドウズのsp2はセキュリティーの面ばかりが強調されているけれども、ベンガル語マラヤラム語のインド系の2言語のサポートが新たに加わっている。

Support for Bengali Unicode in Windows was introduced in 2004 with Windows XP SP2. A free Unicode Bengali keyboard driver for use with Windows 2000 and Windows XP is available from Avro Keyboard - UNICODE Compliant Free Bangla Typing Software.

"You will be able to select Malayalam as the language from the control panel and type on the keyboard. One can also send e-mails in Malayalam," says Ajaylal of Thoolika who was involved with development of fonts subscribing to Unicode standard.
The entry of Malayalam Windows will render the use of Malayalam software like Rachana, Thoolika Sreelipi and ISM. In fact, these programmes will be useless in future.
Developers of Rachana, inspired by the Free Software movement, are also in the race and are developing a suite that will work on GNU/Linux platform. The project was announced by Richard Stallman when he visited Kerala a few months ago. "We are going very fast and have got a fine team working on the project," says coordinator K.H.Hussain.
