

Double spacing was just a bad fad. Don't believe everything your read in a Linotype book.

We were taught to do it in school, and even then, without any knowledge or interest in typography, it seemed senseless to me. No book or magazine or newspaper I could find had two spaces after each sentence. One space clearly set apart professionally typeset material from that made by uninformed humans. I vowed to never type those two spaces again. Satisfied in my little rebellion against the educational system, I was later pleased to find that professional typography confirmed I was justified. That epiphany was part of what got me so interested in typography in the first place.

There is some hope. It's interesting to note that HTML will not accept two spaces in a row and will automatically remove the second. Nothing on the web is double-spaced - even the stuff that isn't part of a publication (like those I mentioned). Maybe now, with the advent of online forums and an increasingly web- aware population, people will start to get the idea that the practice isn't necessary.

French keyboard for Word, it automatically inserted a space before the colon and semicolon, and double spaced after periods!

Geoffrey Dowdingは著書Finer Points in the Spacing and Arrangement of Typeの中でピリオドの後に大文字のA,J,T,V,Yが続く時はダブル・スペースにしないことを提案している。