タイのシンガー・ソングライターBoyd Kosiyabongのアニメ会社BeBoidcg

タイのシンガー・ソングライターBoyd KosiyabongはBakery Musicの創立者の一人であるだけでなく,アニメ会社BeBoidcgをつくっている。子供の頃に日本や外国のアニメに影響を受けたらしい。

I want to create a cartoon TV series for children because when I was a kid I was so crazy about Japanese and farang cartoons. They had an influence on me and it even made me study the Japanese language in order to be able to read Japanese comic books,


At present, the market demand for local cartoons is still low, while producing a local animation series costs perhaps five times more than the licence fee for international cartoons.
Many TV channels prefer buying their cartoons from abroad because it is cheaper, he said.
