
ロシア下院でシベリアのトゥバ共和国からの議員Kaadyr-ööl Bicheldeiが汚い言葉マットを禁止しようとしたが,反対にあった。マットはもともとストリート・ランゲージで,今では,マス・メディアや文学や映画,インターネットやポップ・ソング,オペラにまで進出しているという。ロシア語からマットを抜いたらなんとも味気ない言葉になるらしい。

When Lenin came to power, he continued a tsarist push to simplify Russian spelling, often to such a degree that it lost its connection with etymology. ...

The average reader [after the collapse of the USSR] was amazed to discover that Pushkin, Mermontov, Turgenev, and Chekhov had all used mat, in their poetry or in their private letters, and that mat existed in an entire stratum of folklore -- songs, ditties, proverbs, jokes, erotic folktales -- the publication of which had been prohibited under both the tsarist and the Soviet regimes.