

In a nutshell, it enables developers to create code packages that can be toggled on and off without the end user having to restart their browser. This is something that cannot be done with Firefox's current add-ons system, but has been possible in third-party tools such as Greasemonkey, which allow users to pick and choose which scripts are active. It solves another annoyance by letting developers create code that isn't outdated or broken every time the browser gets a major update. This is a problem that has plagued Firefox add-ons for years.

Jetpack is being described as "an exploration in using Web technologies to enhance the browser (e.g. HTML, CSS and Javascript), with the goal of allowing anyone who can build a Web site to participate in making the Web a better place to work, communicate and play." In other words, if you know how to develop for the web, you should be able to build a Jetpack app. Developers can write code using Mozilla's web-based Bespin environment and the popular Firebug extension.