

Today, the website wizards behind Digg have revealed a new technology called MXHR, or Multi-Part XML HTTP Requests, as a method for optimizing delivery of Digg's complex AJAX-enhanced site. The implementation of MXHR is an addition to Digg's User Interface Library, called DUI.Stream. While still in a fairly rough early stage, Digg believes that MXHR will eventually give it a huge boost in un-cached page rendering efficiency.


One of the ways that high-performance websites like Yahoo suggest speeding up load times is by reducing the number of HTTP requests per page. We started thinking about what we could do to reduce HTTP overhead, and where we could get the biggest benefits from it. Well, one thing led to another and the next thing we knew we were talking about writing a generalized framework for bundling files, sending them through a single request, then separating them for use once they head down the pipe. We call this technique MXHR (short for Multipart XMLHttpRequests), and we wrote an addition to our Digg User Interface library called DUI.Stream to implement it.
