
最近friendfeedが自らのIM機能であるfriendfeed over IMをリリースし,ライフストリーミングをIMを通じて通知してくれるようになった。この機能はxmpp/jabberを利用したものでgtalkやjabberをサポートするIMソフトで使用することからjabberを通じたIM利用が今後増えると考えられている。一方、twitterは今年前半にIMサポートをやめてしまっているが噂によれば感謝祭までにはこの機能を復活させたいらしい。また今年5月にはfacebook chatがまもなくxmppをサポートするとアナウンスしていたがその後音沙汰が無いままとなっている。以上2点が実現されれば、これまで以上にjabberを通じたIM利用の成長が見込まれる。

Although it was announced in May that Facebook Chat would soon, too, be XMPP-compliant, little seems to have been heard about that since. Regardless, clients like Adium (Mac only) and Digsby (Windows only) have managed to integrate it. If and when XMPP-compliant Facebook Chat and Twitter's XMPP stream are released, it could only mean more growth for chat, especially for services like Meebo. Its 'Community IM' partnerships provide XMPP/Jabber IM for web communities, which would then be able to integrate with Facebook Chat.


Twitter responded saying at times there would never be a Fire-hose again, and at others, that they were now sending users to services such as Gnip to access the data. With Gnip closing its doors on its own XMPP stream recently though, it would appear even more frustration is brewing amongst developers. All that controversy may just come to an end however, as Payne stated in the developers group: For what it's worth, we've actually been cranking on the "firehose" solution all week. We've evaluated several queueing systems, and I've just finished work on a proof-of-concept backup plan if those don't pan out. We'd really like to have a solution in place by Thanksgiving at the latest.


Making it this friction-free to monitor and contribute to conversations has the potential to increase participation in FriendFeed by orders of magnitude.
