中国のGFWを体験できるchina channel

外国にいながらにして中国国内でのインターネットのグレートファイアーウォールGFWによる不便さを体験できるfirefoxプラグインchina channel。china channelはjeremy gillickによるアドオンswitch proxyをベースにしている。

The Internet is not the same for everybody. Despite it's reputation as a borderless, global, connected, democratic network, access and content filtering based on national boarders has become the norm. The BBC, for example, filters content for copyright reasons to visitors accessing their website from outside of Great Britain. Much more serious, however, is the heavy political censorship happening in countries like China, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. China, being the most extreme example, strictly censors political content on the web through the blocking of IP addresses and dynamic content filtering. With the support of western technology companies such as Cisco, Yahoo, and Google.