グーグル・ブラウザが登場するとの噂がまた出てきている。googleがブラウザ専門家Michal Zalewskiを雇用したことと、googleがgbrowser.comのドメインを取っていることがその理由。techcrunchではmaxthonブラウザを買収してgbrowserとして出すような書き方をしているけれどもそれはないと思う。maxthonブラウザの作者も示唆しているように将来maxtonがgeckoベースのブラウザになる可能性があって、googleが投資してそれを後押しをしているだけというのが近いのではないか。ただもしグーグル・ブラウザが出れば、グーグル・サービスを一つのブラウザにまとめることになるので、サイト経営者にとっては新たなSEO対策が必要になるかもしれない。
According to Ryan Naraine, Google has hired well-known browser hacker Michal Zalewski to help make their products more secure. [...]if we thought there was a real user benefit," whois records show that they must've considered that very possibility since they registered a domain name for "".
Maxthon is little known in the U.S. Half of its downloads occur in China, though, and it is a big player there. Whether Google's strategic plans for Maxthon extend beyond China is anyone's guess. A lot of this would be cleared up if Google (or Maxthon) made an announcement on the subject. But what we want has little to do with what's best for Google's business. If they do launch a browser, and/or acquire Maxthon, we almost certainly won't hear about it until it actually happens.
Will there be a Google browser anytime soon? I think there are good arguments for it, but nothing's for certain. It will be yet another fascinating development to watch--from the perspectives of both the browser wars and SEO (search engine optimization).