未完だった指輪物語The Children of Hurinが完成

映画ロード・オブ・ザ・リングの原作で、未完のJ・R・R・トールキン指輪物語を、息子であるクリストファー・トールキンが編集し、2007年に出版の予定。The Children of Hurinは30年かけて完成されたもので、エルフやホビット、ドウォーフが登場する。

Extracts from the original tale, said to be a detailed but staccato account of the family of Hurin, the man who dared defy Melkor in the first age, have already been published - illuminating, Tolkien enthusiasts say, some of the oldest tales of the legendary land of Middle Earth.
The announcement could cause controversy amongst the many fans of the so-called "father of modern fantasy literature", however. Tolkien's readers have often searched for narrative links between the interwoven tales, which he called a "legendarium".
