
Darlie歯磨きはアジア一帯で有名な歯磨きだけれども,元はDarkieと呼ばれていた。モデルは黒人旅芸人のアル・ジョルソンでDarlie歯磨きの創始者はアル・ジョルソンの白い歯の印象が強かったに違いない。しかしDarkieという差別的な名称は1985年まで使われ,その後darlieと名を変えたけれども,ホンコンなどアジアでは以前Haak Yahn Nga Gou黒人牙膏と呼ばれている。

Darlie toothpaste is a popular brand in much of Asia… it used to be called Darkie, complete with a stereotyped logo of a minstrel man. Apparently its founder had come to the US in the 1920s and seen Al Jolson in his blackface show, and had been impressed with how white Jolson’s teeth looked…
… its racist name and logo were still intact in 1985 when Colgate bought the brand… only the English was changed. The Cantonese name (“Haak Yahn Nga Gou”) still stayed the same, and the Chinese-language ads reassured users that, despite a cosmetic change to placate those inscrutable Westerners, “Black Man Toothpaste is still Black Man Toothpaste.”
